Thursday, April 10, 2008

Business' future on the web

It has been interesting to watch the trends of the web flow between business applications and personal entertainment. The two have in many ways driven the technology overall. Web 2.0, a buzz word by most people's standards, was a way to talk about all of the websites created around social networking for individual use. Enterprise 2.0, a way of talking about how web 2.0 is applied to business cases, represents a much larger mindset that business managers must understand to be successful.
For example, let's say your company is in an M&A situation. Why do most M&A's fail? Culture! Connecting people and their cultures is no simple task. An Enterprise 2.0 intranet created for the culture can really make a difference. Knowledge sharing, another major corporate challenge, can also be facilitated with enterprise 2.0 applications. 
To learn more about Enterprise 2.0 click here