Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Google Chrome v Internet Explorer: Pt. 1

Internet Explorer (IE): if you're one of the millions of people out there owning a PC, chances are you've used IE at some point to browse the web, check your email, or stream viral video. For most of you, IE is all you've ever used. Perhaps you didn't know that you had options or maybe you just don't like change. Or maybe, Internet Explorer never gave you a reason to doubt (why fix what's not broken right?). Well, this article, and the posts that follow, all seek to inform you that a) you do have options when it comes to internet browsers and b) Google Chrome is one of them.

By now, you've probably heard of Chrome, the new internet browser by Google, Inc. But if internet statistics on browser market share can be trusted, chances are you haven't installed it yet. This will be the first in a series of posts describing the Top 5 reasons you should ditch Internet Explorer in favor of Google Chrome.

We'll start from the bottom and work our way up with #5, Tabs.

Sure, Internet Explorer has tabs (at least starting with Version 7) but they're slow to load and restricted to the window they were born from. In Chrome, tabs load snappy and you can freely manipulate their placement either within the same window, or entirely new windows, allowing you to reorganize your tasks on-the-fly and work (or play) the way YOU want to. Watch the video below to see what I mean, then check back next week for my #4 reason, the Amazing Address Bar.